C3RF Members Newsletter - August 2017
We invite you to turn your frustration into action by supporting our group – “Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms” (C3RF)! C3RF does not believe the Government is correct in assuming that Canadians are bigoted!
We believe that your free speech rights are at stake, and that the “government” solutions that will follow M-103 will include legislation that will designate criticism of any Islamic doctrine, law and practices to be “hate speech”;
C3RF is a non-profit, grass-roots organization and has been vigorous in going to the public with petitions and letter-writing campaigns, as well as citizen visits with Members of Parliament to protest M-103;
C3RF actions have resonated with the Canadian public and initiated a genuine national debate that pushed M-103 off of its planned path of unanimous consent in the House of Commons;
We have grown from a few citizens to several thousand Canadians from coast-to-coast and now have plans to hold high profile, mass media public events that will force our political leaders to listen to their true masters – the citizens of Canada
Our plans are far-reaching and aggressive, but need your monetary support to succeed. Please consider supporting us - hit the “DONATE” button and Keep Canadian Speech Free!
Yours in speaking freely,
Major (Ret'd) Russ Cooper
Founding member, C3RF
When you think of Motion M-103, are you frustrated that…
your federal government has the gall to accuse Canada, your home, of harboring “systemic racism” – even as Canadians have willingly accepted ever-increasing numbers of immigrants, refugees, foreign workers and students, regardless of race, religion or point of origin;
your political leaders in Ottawa, the ones that you elect to power and give your hard-earned tax dollars to, believe that you have “religious discrimination” in your heart and that this discrimination is particular to Islam, manifests itself as “Islamophobia” and needs to be “quelled”;
“Islamophobia” remains purposely undefined. As in other countries that have incorporated this ambiguous term into their “hate speech” laws, “quelling” Islamophobia will very likely require you to shut-up when it comes to all things associated with Islam – including Sharia Law.
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