Take Action - Write to the Prime Minister and Hedy Fry
The Heritage Standing Committee is now meeting in November and December 2017 to prepare their recommendation for parliament based on the interviews held over the last few months. They are aiming to finish by Christmas.
If you are worried about the results of M-103, please write and get family and friends to write letters to our Prime Minister and Committee Chair Hedy Fry.
We need strong powerful letters, but keep letters brief and polite. If possible use your own words, and write in your own language. Include your name, Postal Code and address - this verifies the constituency in which you live!
Send your letter to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, the Honourable Hedy Fry, and send a copy to your MP, using the links below:
CLICK HERE to find your MP and email address!
We need to create a world with Freedom of Speech and all the other freedoms that come with it. A large number of letters can make a difference.
WRITING POINTS (choose 4 or 5 use your words):
Urge Standing Committee to listen to these seven Muslim witnesses - see summary of their opposing testimony here (others are not against this motion)
These Muslim witnesses do not want the vague word Islamophobia used - instead use anti-Muslim bigotry
M-103 would begin the process of Canada becoming Sharia compliant like the UK and France
Many immigrants came to Canada to get away from the oppressive countries of their birth
Muslim witnesses for the Heritage Standing Committee said that .... (check ideas in Scott's blog)
We value and want to uphold our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms - M-103 would destroy these
Nothing should interfere with our Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Our Charter and our hate laws already protect all Canadians from discrimination and hatred - we don't need M-103
I do not believe that Canada is a country with "systemic racism and religious discrimination" as implied in M-103...everywhere I go, people of all backgrounds are warm and friendly
The Standing Committee should NOT recommend legislation which criminalizes free speech
M-103 will promote divisiveness instead of bringing our people together
What kind of world are we leaving our children
SAMPLE LETTER: (please do not copy - use your own words or create a new letter)
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
After reading the reports of the witnesses interviewed by the Heritage Standing Committee during the hearings on Motion M-103, as a Canadian citizen, I am very worried that the strong message from the knowledgeable, courageous and concerned Muslim witnesses who spoke our strongly against the use of the word, ‘Islamophobia’, will not be heard. They would prefer the more accurate, realistic use of the words, Anti-Muslim bigotry.
I hope that you will inform Ms. Fry to listen and act on the recommendations of those Muslim and non-Muslim witnesses who shared their experiences of living under the oppression of sharia law in Muslim countries. These people came to Canada so that they could enjoy the freedom of expression and other freedoms that Canadians take for granted. They understand the danger that M-103 presents to free speech in Canada.
I am also very concerned that the Heritage Committee will recommend legislation to the Canadian Parliament to criminalize speech which one group or religion finds offensive. Showing preference to one group denies basic freedom of speech to other groups and conflicts with our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and with Canada’s strong belief in Multiculturalism.
You must do what is right for all Canadians. We have seen similar laws enacted in Europe where it has curtailed freedom to criticize terrorism in the UK, France, and Germany. I don't want that for my Canada - this will destroy our country.
I look forward to an immediate reply to my concerns.
Yours very truly,
(Your NAME, address and postal code (for authenticity)