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Written Submissions to the Heritage Committee

Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms (C3RF) will be posting Written Submissions on M-103 to the Heritage Committee that have been shared by our members and others. Please click on the links below to read each written submission.

Written Submission to the Heritage Committee on Motion M-103 and Islamophobia - Submitted by P.M. from New Brunwick

In this written submission to the Heritage Committee, P.M. from New Brunswick addresses Heritage Committee Chair Hedy Fry with serious concerns about criminalizing free speech, the legitimacy of criticizing Islam for its ongoing pursuit of Sharia expansion and violation of women's rights, and provides links to articles and documents supporting why Canadians actually do have compelling, rational reasons to be concerned about Islam.

Click here to read the written submission.

Written Submission to the Heritage Committee on Motion M-103 and Islamophobia - Submitted by Major (Ret'd) Catherine Campbell

In this written submission to the Heritage Committee, Major (Ret’d) Catherine Campbell discusses the absurdity of the term “Islamophobia” and illustrates the dangers to society when due diligence with regard to Islamic radicalism is impeded by being labeled “Islamophobic.”.

Click here to read her written submission.

Briefing Note for the Heritage Committee on Motion M-103 - Submitted by Major (Ret'd) Russ Cooper of Carleton Place, ON

It can be argued that the whole debate surrounding Motion M-103 was kicked off by a national petition drive initiated by Major (Ret'd) Russ Cooper. This retired military veteran was very concerned that the parliamentary rush to accommodate anti-"Islamophobia" measures in Canada was proceeding apace without consideration for the potential impact of such measures on Canadian free speech rights. The M-103 debate is about to crank up once again as the Heritage Committee returns for related deliberations on September 18, 2017.  Major Cooper has been designated as a "standby" witness and his "Briefing Note" testimony follows here for your information and consideration. It uses the results of his successful national petition to frame the international and national issues at play in the free speech debate.  Most certainly, this is the time for all Canadians to think long and hard about his presentation, the concerns expressed and the recommendations proposed.

Click here to read his written submission.

Parsing E-411 and M-103 - Submitted by Ron Gray of Abbotsford, BC

Ron Gray reflects on and analyzes the text contained in E-411 and M-103.

Click here to read his written submission.

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