Editor's Note: A school principal in Malmo, Sweden, ordered employees at her school not to speak to journalists about the sexual harassment and abuse perpetrated by Muslim students. Under pressure, she later backed down. But wouldn’t government action on “Islamophobia,” as proposed by Motion M-103, promote exactly that sort of muzzling of free speech.
Maria Berben Lidén initially defended her gag order, but then backed down when told that it was illegal. But it is clear why she imposed it in the first place. She knows who Sweden’s new masters are, and she knows they don’t take kindly to criticism. She was following the example of innumerable British officials, who remained silent and did nothing while Muslim rape gangs destroyed the lives of thousands of British girls, because the officials were afraid of being accused of “racism” and “Islamophobia.”

“Principal in Malmö forbade employees to tell the media about Muslim sexual abuse against students,” translated from “Rektor i Malmö förbjöd anställda att berätta för media om muslimska sexövergrepp mot elever,” Samhällsnytt, March 22, 2018 (thanks to Denny):
"The activities at the Johannesskolan in Gothenburg have been suspected of misconduct for a long time, related primarily to students with an immigrant asylum-based background. So students as young as 6 years old have been subjected to sexual harassment and abuse. Girls who were not considered to be Muslim enough got clothes torn off and were threatened with rape. Now it appears that the school’s principal, contrary to the Constitution, charged teachers and other employees to remain silent and not tell the media about what was going on at school. Sydsvenskan has taken note of an internal message sent by Johannesskolans Principal Maria Berben Lidén to all employees, prohibiting them from talking to journalists about immigration and Islam-related misconduct. The letter begins with: “We have some parents who are not satisfied with the work performed in classes with the lower ages. They are trying to get the press and TV to take it all up. The following applies:” Thereafter, compliance orders follow that no one other than the principal may speak to the media himself: “The principal is communications manager — so you are to refer journalists to the principal and do not make any statement yourself on any question. Sometimes they try to ask some disarming questions to catch you out. Then reply that you do not have any comment or, if you know the answer, that you have full confidence in the work done by all the staff here at Johannes. At school you are an official and follow the above.” The letter constitutes a violation of the fundamental freedom of speech. This confirms the words of freedom of speech expert Nils Funcke, who told Sydsvenskan that he can not recall having seen such a serious overthrow in black and white earlier. “This is one of the rawest formulations I’ve seen.” In general, such pressure on employees is spoken orally and kept quiet, Funcke says… When Sydsvenskan contacted Principal Maria Berben Lidén, she initially insisted that employees should not speak as officials, because she is the communications officer at the school. In a later interview with the newspaper and after consulting lawyers, she acknowledged that she was wrong."
This article was originally published by Jihad Watch on March 23, 2018, and can be viewed on their site by clicking here.