Editor's Note: Kady O’Malley reports in iPolitics that the Canadian Muslim Forum and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East do not think that the recommendations in the Heritage Committee’s report go far enough. The President of the CMF is Samer Majzoub, who launched petition e-411 on which Motion M-103 is based.

In the wake of last week’s release of that much-anticipated House committee report on ‘Islamophobia’ and other forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination, the Canadian Muslim Forum and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East will release the results of a new survey that, according to the advisory, “indicate that prompt and concrete action on Islamophobia is required from the government” — and further, that “the recommendations from the Committee do not go far enough in addressing Islamophobia.” This article was originally published on the iPolitics website on February 6, 2018 and can be viewed on their site by clicking here.